Visit the link to our very own one stop shops - the Cecil Hills High School Careers website and our very own Cecil Hills High School Careers Facebook page. Our aim is to provide you with all the latest information that will help you make decisions about your future career and your life beyond school. You can use this site to locate University, TAFE and any other type of course across Australia, get information about the HSC, search for job vacancies and much more. Feel free to drop into the Careers Office if you have any question.
Located in the Library, our Careers Adviser's role (Mrs Reid) is to provide students with access to a range of career resources, activities and experiences that enable students to maximise their career potential, including co-ordinating work experience programs, importance of a career portfolio work placement for HSC VET students, liaising with TAFE colleges, assists with the delivery of HSC TAFE delivered courses, subject/course selection for students, access to further education and training career choice, job search skills applications for tax tile numbers.
The Careers Office has a vast array of resources and reading material for student use, including printed information of universities, TAFE colleges, private college providers and much more. Parents/carers and students wishing to speak to Mrs Reid may contact her on 02 9822 1430.